Shipping and returns

All orders are shipped FedEx, DHL, TNT (within Italy) unless otherwise specified, with charges to be paid by the customer. We can ship anywhere, excluding special cases where local government imposes restrictions.

Items returned because they are incorrect, damaged or defective (legal guarantee of conformity)

If you return an item because of an error on our part or because the item is damaged, defective, or not what you had ordered and repair or replacement was not possible, you will be refunded the cost of the item and the shipping charges incurred to receive it.
La Gallina Matta will inspect all items that have been returned because they were damaged or defective. In the event that no defect is found, the company reserves the right to charge shipping costs and the cost of the item itself.

Exchange or return is possible only in case of damaged or wrong item, as products are made to order and customized. Individual special cases can be evaluated by writing to customer service. In that case, the shipping costs of the return and eventual redelivery are understood to be borne by the customer.